family photos

Najlepšie úložisko fotiek pre rok 2023

Nedávno Google prekvapil užívateľov svojej populárnej služby Google Photos (Google Photos). Po novom sa budú fotografie ukladať do štandardnej kapacity 15 Gb ktorú ma k dispozícii každý účet zadarmo. Po určitom množstve fotografii a videí, kedy túto kapacitu spotrebujete, vám bez platenia už nové fotky Google na cloud (úložisko) nenahrá a za dodatočnú kapacitu si bude treba zaplatiť.

Let's look at the TOP alternatives to Google photos available today:

Your photos backed up and always online

Your capacity will decrease with each photo and in a few months you will have free capacity and the "free" storage will miraculously be paid. You will no longer upload new photos to your online gallery without payment. Google is losing a huge competitive advantage, and people are obviously starting to look for alternatives. Let's look at the more cost-effective alternatives to Google Photos on the market today:

The best cloud (storage) for your photos


In the first place is deservedly the website of the New Green Company Mega Ltd. This cloud is a global fixture and is one of the most famous online repositories on the Internet. It provides up to 50 Gb of storage for free and offers multiple programs, including document sharing and high security. The cheapest will suffice for photos and videos PRO Lite package for 4.90 per month. This will give you many benefits and especially up to 400 GB of space.

nega cloud
Excellent speed (upload / download)It does not have a family program
Mobile applicationAbsence of tools for online creation
High security
Photo function in the mobile application
Share photos with family or friends
Excellent and intuitive environment

Registration link with bonus:


If you are looking cloud in europe, PCloud will be just right for you. This European storage for photos and documents offers something completely different from the competition. Lifetime plan. This is a program where you buy a place for a one-time fee and you don't have to worry about other payments. For example, they currently sell 500 Gb for 175 euros with a guarantee of at least 10 years, that is, the price 500 Gb corresponds to 1.75 EUR / month with a long-term investment. Of course, the price includes all the benefits such as storing photos, files, creating backups, sharing content and high security of sensitive information. If you would like to pay monthly and you don't like a one-time investment, there is an option to pay 4.99 Eur / month for 500 Gb storage čo vôbec nie je zlá cena. Zadarmo vám na test ponúkne Pclou 4 Gb priestoru.

Space from 500 Gb to 2 TBThe environment deserves an update
Excellent price for long-term investmentAbsence of tools for online creation
4GB priestoru zdarma
Mobile application 
Excellent speed (upload / download) 
Photo function in the mobile application

Registration link with bonus:


Ako ďalšiu alternatívu vám vieme ponúknuť Idrive, tento produkt je zameraný na náročnejších užívateľov. Stým súvisí aj aj štedré úložisko ktorú táto služba ponúka. Najlacnejší balík ponúka  1 TB (1 000 Gb) za približne 2 eura mesačne. Jedná sa teda o cenovo veľmi prívetivý produkt, ktomu tu máte možnosť rozšíriť priestor až na 5 TB kde zaplatíte približne 7 Eur mesačne. To sa s konkurenciou len ťažko porovnáva. Nevýhodou služby je menšia sofistikácia, menej funkcii, no kto hľadá priestor je na správnom mieste.

Huge space (5TB)Poor photo sharing capabilities
Great price if you are looking for a large storeAbsence of tools for online creation
Mobile application
Unlimited number of devices

Registration link with bonus:

Uvedené služby sú výborne cloudové riešenia pre vaše súbory, zálohy, programy, videa a obrázky. Cloud je dnes optimálne riešenie ako mať svoje informácie v bezpečí a vždy po ruke. Nech ste na konci sveta, stačí vám iba internet a vaše data alebo fotky sú vždy s vami. Nezabudnite si dobre premyslieť pre ktorú službu sa rozhodnete, pri cloudouch si človek ľahko zvykne na „luxus“ dostupnosti informácii ktoré poskytujú. Benefity úložísk využijete pri pracovnej ceste, pri dovolenke ako aj počas bežného dňa.

Source: ,
A picture: Google Families

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